
October Homeschool Classes

Tuesdays, October 13 & 27, 2020
10 – 11:30 am
$12 (+ tax) per participant

Limited spots available. Adults who would like to participate in the class are able to register and pay the $12 fee for their own slot (if available). Admission to the Exhibits is not included. There are two ways to register: in person at the Guest Services desk in the Museum lobby or contact the Group Sales department during regular weekday business hours at groups@cookmuseum.org or (256) 898-6312.

Identical class topics offered on all October Homeschool Class dates.

October Class Topics:

K – 2nd Grade Class: States of Matter
Maximum: 8
Come explore the three main states of matter with discussion, inquiry, experiments, and hands-on activities. Participants will learn the characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases, model the molecules, witness transitions between the states, and many other exciting hands-on activities.

3rd – 6th Grade Class: Soil Investigators
Maximum: 10
Soil is important for life on Earth. Different types are good for different organisms. Students will learn about the characteristics of various soils and how to use that information to identify samples in class. This hands-on learning adventure will help build a better understanding and appreciation for our Earth!

7th – 12th Grade Class: Make a Protein
Maximum: 15
What makes fireflies glow? What makes octopus blood blue? What makes bananas ripen from green to yellow? PROTEINS! Come explore the amazing variety of proteins that give function to life. Build a DNA strand and decode it in order to build a protein. Test the function of catalase, a protein found in bacteria, plants, animals, and you!
