Homeschool Classes – December 2020
December 8 (Tuesday) & 10 (Thursday)
10 – 11:30 am
$12 (+ tax) per participant
Limited spots available. Adults who would like to participate in the class are able to register and pay the $12 fee for their own slot (if available). Admission to the Exhibits is not included.
There are two ways to register: in person at the Guest Services desk in the Museum lobby or contact the Group Sales department during regular weekday business hours at groups@cookmuseum.org or (256) 898-6312.
Identical class topics offered on all December Homeschool Class dates.
December Class Topics:
- K – 2nd Grade Class: Powerful Plants
Did you know that more than 300,000 plant species have been identified, and we are discovering more every year? Plants provide us with food, oxygen, and our planet’s very own filtration system. In this class, students learn the importance of plants and how we use them every day! A flower dissection and interactive games make this an exciting class! From germination to pollination, students will begin to understand just how powerful plants truly are.
- 3rd – 6th Grade Class: Electromagnetism: Science or Superpower?
In this shocking and interactive program, students work with the concept of electromagnetism in a hands-on way! They will utilize the ideas of engineering, magnetic fields, and electric currents to build their own electromagnetic crane! Relating the concepts of electromagnetism and electricity to nature, they discover the importance of both concepts to all kinds of life. During this class, students will find out more about how this amazing phenomenon affects everyday life, and contemplate future technology using electromagnetism. - 7th – 12th Grade Class: Plant Food
Did you know plants and algae collectively produce 160 billion tons of sugar every year? This is the fuel that feeds practically all animals, from tiny insects to 200,000-lb. blue whales! Students in this engaging class learn about the structure and function of plants right down to the inner workings of a single plant cell. Students use compound light microscopes, models, and hands-on activities to study xylem, phloem, leaves, and the process of photosynthesis. Finally, students get to take home a plant specimen to remind them of all that plants provide.