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- 8Mining Sluice Open10:00 am - 2:00 pmSaturdays only from 10 am – 2 pm* (March 1 – May 24)Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to learn m , ...Hear the Buzz About Hummingbirds! Science on the Spot12:30 pmSaturday, March 8 at 12:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Explore the world of hummingbirds, such as how much the smallest hummingbird weighs to how fast a hummingbird’s heart beats while in flight. Learn all about the natural history of hummingbirds in Alabama and discover how you can best help them , ...
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- 10Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Live Animal Meet & Greet with Minnow (the Fish Crow)2:00 pm - 2:30 pmMondays, March 10, March 17, & March 24 from 2 – 2:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Stop by to meet Minnow, the fish crow, the Museum’s newest Live Animal Ambassador. Guests will have the opportunity to ask the Museum staff questions. Please note that guests will not be able to t , ...
- 11Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Stories in the Store10:30 amTuesdays, March 11, March 18, & March 25 at 10:30 amFREE Join us for Stories in the Store where we will read a couple of stories and children will be able to take an active role in the storytelling. Come early to choose your favorite stool! Story time will begin at 10:30 am outside of the Museum Store. Admissio , ...Craft & Coloring with Special Guest Sprocket1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
- 12Ring in Spring Scavenger HuntAll DayWednesdays, March 12, March 19, & March 26FREE for Members or with General Admission Spring has sprung! New life, growth, and activity abounds in nature all around us. Animals, insects, and plants welcome this season of abundance after a lean, cold winter. Explore the Museum Exhibits to find clues on how nature , ...March Little Larvae Learning Series9:15 am - 11:15 amALL SESSIONS SOLD OUT – Wednesday, March 12 9:15 am & 10:30 am $12 (+ tax) for 1 child & 1 adult; $12 (+ tax) for an additional child per session For children ages 2 – 4 with caregiver Limited spots available; advance registration recommended. Come join the fun in these wonderfully engaging and in , ...Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Oceans Tank Feeding3:30 pmWednesdays, March 12, March 19, & March 26 at 3:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission This spring, join us for an Oceans Tank Feeding for the fish! Be sure to bring any questions you may have for a brief Q&A time with Animal Care following the feed. Sponsored by , ...
- 13Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...That Stings! Insect Cart10:30 amThursdays, March 13, March 20, & March 27at 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 12:30 pm, & 1:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission As Spring approaches and flowers bloom, insects of all types fill the air and swarm the ground enjoying warmer weather and more abundant food sources. Some are colorful like butterfl , ...Freshwater Tank Feeding2:00 pmThursdays, March 13, March 20, & March 27 at 2 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission This spring, join us for a Freshwater Tank Feeding for the fish! Be sure to bring any questions you may have for a brief Q&A time with Animal Care following the feed. Sponsored by , ...
- 14Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Pi(e) Day Celebration2:00 pm - 4:00 pmFriday, March 14 from 2 – 4 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Celebrate Pi(e) Day with Cook Museum and Big Bob Gibson! There will be hands-on Pi (3.14…) themed activities and crafts. More Information coming soon. Big Bob Gibson will be onsite with a pop-up pie shop with pies available to purc , ...Live Animal Presentation3:30 pmFridays, March 14, March 21, & March 28 at 3 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Join us for this 20-30 minute meet & greet presentation with some of the Museum’s live Animal Ambassadors. The animals included will depend on availability, but could be a chuckwalla, an eastern indigo snake, , ...
- 15Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Exploring Alabama Science on the Spot12:30 pmSaturday, March 15 at 12:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Nature is diverse and amazing. Different plants and animals call a particular place home and this creates distinct ecosystems. In this Science on the Spot, learn about the vast and varying types of life that create the rich biodiversity of Ala , ...
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- 17March Homeschool Classes9:30 am - 2:15 pmMonday, March 17 Limited spots available. Admission to the Exhibits is not included. There are two ways to register: in person at the Guest Services desk in the Museum lobby or contact the Group Sales department during regular weekday business hours at (256) 898-6312. ALL SESSIONS SOLD OUT – Grades K ̵ , ...Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Live Animal Meet & Greet with Minnow (the Fish Crow)2:00 pm - 2:30 pmMondays, March 10, March 17, & March 24 from 2 – 2:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Stop by to meet Minnow, the fish crow, the Museum’s newest Live Animal Ambassador. Guests will have the opportunity to ask the Museum staff questions. Please note that guests will not be able to t , ...
- 18Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Stories in the Store10:30 amTuesdays, March 11, March 18, & March 25 at 10:30 amFREE Join us for Stories in the Store where we will read a couple of stories and children will be able to take an active role in the storytelling. Come early to choose your favorite stool! Story time will begin at 10:30 am outside of the Museum Store. Admissio , ...Craft & Coloring with Special Guest Sprocket1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
- 19Ring in Spring Scavenger HuntAll DayWednesdays, March 12, March 19, & March 26FREE for Members or with General Admission Spring has sprung! New life, growth, and activity abounds in nature all around us. Animals, insects, and plants welcome this season of abundance after a lean, cold winter. Explore the Museum Exhibits to find clues on how nature , ...Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Oceans Tank Feeding3:30 pmWednesdays, March 12, March 19, & March 26 at 3:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission This spring, join us for an Oceans Tank Feeding for the fish! Be sure to bring any questions you may have for a brief Q&A time with Animal Care following the feed. Sponsored by , ...
- 20Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...That Stings! Insect Cart10:30 amThursdays, March 13, March 20, & March 27at 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 12:30 pm, & 1:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission As Spring approaches and flowers bloom, insects of all types fill the air and swarm the ground enjoying warmer weather and more abundant food sources. Some are colorful like butterfl , ...Freshwater Tank Feeding2:00 pmThursdays, March 13, March 20, & March 27 at 2 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission This spring, join us for a Freshwater Tank Feeding for the fish! Be sure to bring any questions you may have for a brief Q&A time with Animal Care following the feed. Sponsored by , ...
- 21Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Live Animal Presentation3:00 pmFridays, March 14, March 21, & March 28 at 3 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Join us for this 20-30 minute meet & greet presentation with some of the Museum’s live Animal Ambassadors. The animals included will depend on availability, but could be a chuckwalla, an eastern indigo snake, , ...
- 22Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Frog Fascination Science on the Spot12:30 pmSaturday, March 22 at 12:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Fascinated by the rockin’ music of a chorus of frogs? Come learn more about these bioindicators that inhabit backyards in the Frog Fascination Science on the Spot. Attendees will learn how to identify the calls of various native frog species a , ...
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- 24Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Live Animal Meet & Greet with Minnow (the Fish Crow)2:00 pm - 2:30 pmMondays, March 10, March 17, & March 24 from 2 – 2:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Stop by to meet Minnow, the fish crow, the Museum’s newest Live Animal Ambassador. Guests will have the opportunity to ask the Museum staff questions. Please note that guests will not be able to t , ...
- 25Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Stories in the Store10:30 amTuesdays, March 11, March 18, & March 25 at 10:30 amFREE Join us for Stories in the Store where we will read a couple of stories and children will be able to take an active role in the storytelling. Come early to choose your favorite stool! Story time will begin at 10:30 am outside of the Museum Store. Admissio , ...Craft & Coloring with Special Guest Sprocket1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
- 26Ring in Spring Scavenger HuntAll DayWednesdays, March 12, March 19, & March 26FREE for Members or with General Admission Spring has sprung! New life, growth, and activity abounds in nature all around us. Animals, insects, and plants welcome this season of abundance after a lean, cold winter. Explore the Museum Exhibits to find clues on how nature , ...Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Oceans Tank Feeding3:30 pmWednesdays, March 12, March 19, & March 26 at 3:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission This spring, join us for an Oceans Tank Feeding for the fish! Be sure to bring any questions you may have for a brief Q&A time with Animal Care following the feed. Sponsored by , ...
- 27Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...That Stings! Insect Cart10:30 amThursdays, March 13, March 20, & March 27at 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 12:30 pm, & 1:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission As Spring approaches and flowers bloom, insects of all types fill the air and swarm the ground enjoying warmer weather and more abundant food sources. Some are colorful like butterfl , ...Freshwater Tank Feeding2:00 pmThursdays, March 13, March 20, & March 27 at 2 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission This spring, join us for a Freshwater Tank Feeding for the fish! Be sure to bring any questions you may have for a brief Q&A time with Animal Care following the feed. Sponsored by , ...
- 28Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Live Animal Presentation3:00 pmFridays, March 14, March 21, & March 28 at 3 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Join us for this 20-30 minute meet & greet presentation with some of the Museum’s live Animal Ambassadors. The animals included will depend on availability, but could be a chuckwalla, an eastern indigo snake, , ...
- 29Mining Sluice Open for Spring Break10:00 am - 2:00 pmMondays – Saturdays, March 10 – 29 from 10 am – 2 pm*Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to , ...Water on the Move Science on the Spot12:30 pmSaturday, March 29 at 12:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission Explore the complex and dynamic web of life supported by the resources of a river system. Learn how humans and animals have built their lives around the energy and resources a river provides and how a river plays an essential role in its ecosy , ...
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- 5Mining Sluice Open10:00 am - 2:00 pmSaturdays only from 10 am – 2 pm* (March 1 – May 24)Cost varies by mining bag size ($6 – $50 +tax) Located outdoors in the Museum’s Courtyard, visitors can purchase mining bags to try their hand at sluicing. Wash the dirt away to see what gemstones are revealed. Use the included ID card to learn m , ...Color Crazy! Nature’s Nanoparticles Science on the Spot12:30 pmSaturday, April 5 at 12:30 pmFREE for Members or with General Admission What are very, very, very small but produce beautiful colors? Nanoparticles! Found throughout nature, these tiny particles interact differently with light than larger objects do, resulting in iridescence that reflects from shells, wings, and ot , ...